Interested in an EV? How to qualify for a powerful tax credit

Interested in an EV? How to qualify for a powerful tax credit


EV tax credit

Sales and registrations of electric vehicles (EVs) have increased dramatically in the U.S. in 2022, according to several sources. However, while they’re still a small percentage of the cars on the road today, they’re increasing in popularity all the time.

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Plug In Tax Savings for Electric Vehicles


While the number of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) is still small compared with other cars on the road, it’s growing — especially in certain parts of the country. If you’re interested in purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle, you may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. (Depending on where you live, there may also be state tax breaks and other incentives.)
Continue Reading: Plug In Tax Savings for Electric Vehicles